Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cleaning & Food Preservation Logs

After several summers of keeping careful track of all my food canning adventures, I decided to organize them properly into a binder.  In the past, they were on the computer which is not conveniently located in my kitchen where it is most needed.

I don't consider myself super artistic but consider this worthy to brag about!  I created a unique page for each fruit, meat, and vegetable that I preserve.  Each of these pages has hand-drawn food on a piece of cardstock paper.  I even reserved a space for my husband's soda making experiments and my someday mead making adventures.  Each section (or chapter) contains recipes, specific canning instructions for that particular fruit or vegetable, and notes from each year's crop production, price per pound, and suggestions for the following year.  I typed this information up so it was a little more organized; but in the future, I will just hand-write my notes.  This project seems a little tedious, but I've been meaning to get it finished for years.  It took several evenings to complete the binder with 14 separate sections; but it looks beautiful and it's one more random project checked off my "to do list!"  I was so inspired with the canning log that I decided to make one for cleaning recipes & soap making!


  1. For years I've been thinking of making a gardening journal, and I love this set up. Maybe I can create something like this. And if you can finish your project, maybe I can finish mine!

  2. You're just so crafty! These are really cute!


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