Sunday, February 13, 2011

Making Valentines!

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day---my second favorite holiday of the year!  I love the act of giving valentines, chocolates, heart cookies, and flowers to friends.  Sending store-bought valentines to Paul's grandparents just doesn't relay the virtual hug that I would like.  Paul only sees his grandparents a few times each year.  : ( Encouraging art creations with young children is very important to me so I decided to make valentines with Paul.

I keep cards that we receive and cut out the pictures & words for use as gift labels and card making throughout the years.  To make the valentines, I cut the hearts and words off valentine cards from years past that I saved, along with some glitter, glue, and a piece of pink paper.  Paul's little fingers knew instantly what to do.  Using his fine motor skills, he squeezed glue on the back of hearts and pasted them to the paper.  Paul especially enjoyed shaking the glitter!  When the glue had dried, I cut three valentines from the piece of paper and placed them in extra envelopes that we had.  Simple, thoughtful, and creative.  Happy Valentine's Day!!

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