Monday, August 1, 2011

Food Swap

This past weekend I had the pleasure of swapping homemade goodies with complete strangers at a Food Swap event hosted by Sustainable Food For Thought.  I have been following this blog for about 2 months now and plan to be more involved with their monthly get-togethers.  I was one of 35 people to sign up for the food swap.  I brought canned grape juice & tomato soup, caramels, peanut butter cups, soap, and hand-embroidered flour sack towels.  In exchange, I received everything you see in the above picture.  From the picture, you can see the variety of hand goods people brought.  There was everything from basic vegetable and fruit canning, to tinctures, beer, drinking vinegar, bread, ice cream, pie, etc.  The unique aspect of this swap is that no money is exchanged----it's completely a barter transaction.  The swap gave opportunity for meeting people, gleaning ideas, and learning new skills.  What a great way to diversify the food pantry!

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