Monday, March 26, 2012

Garden Surprises & Friendly Neighbors!

Last week while Jon was digging up sod in our garden using a shovel, a friendly neighbor stopped by and said, "This is the second time I have driven by and seen you labor away at the garden.  I just can't watch it anymore.  I have a tractor and would like to plow it for you!"  Jon's eyes were big as walnuts as he thought about all of the hours that were just taken from his garden list.  He couldn't possibly say no and eagerly began removing one wall of the fence.  With the help of the tractor, we expanded our garden to 45 x 90 feet.  Paul was thrilled to ride on the neighbor's lap the entire time while the tractor plowed the garden.  We felt so blessed by this neighbor's generosity and their offer to come back and disc plow it when the furrows dry up.  They say it's their way of saying welcome to the neighborhood!  I say that's one BIG WELCOME!!


  1. 45x90' is about the size of your last backyard! This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear about Jon's plans to plant. Perhaps you can post some photos of his plans and technique and what you will all grow in your new plot of land. I'm getting some sunshine vicariously through your photos.

  2. Hooray for good neighbors with tractors!
    I bet Jon isn't planning a square foot garden this time!

  3. Hi Holly,
    Welcome to WV. Our neighbors were the same when we moved here. There are always a few sour balls in the candy of any community, but here they seem to be few and far between. I love the fact that neighbor helps neighbor. That's the way it should be.


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