Monday, July 16, 2012

Homemade Lincoln Log House

Recently my parents passed down the Lincoln Logs that date back to my Dad's childhood.  I think there are 3 different sets but they are all compatible with each other.  Unfortunately all of the trusses were broken on the ends and there were only 4 roof slats, so I traced the broken trusses onto some scrap plywood and made more roof slats.  With a more complete set, Paul plays with the Lincoln Logs more!

After a few weeks mulling over storage ideas, I came up with a giant Lincoln Log House to store all the pieces in!

The bottom logs are glued and nailed together, and of course there is a solid bottom so the toys don't fall out.  The trusses, roof slats, and chimney are all removable.  They could be glued together and come off as one unit or even have a hinge.  Paul's favorite part of building is putting on the roof so we left it detachable.  The logs were made from 2x4's that Jon put through the router table to round off the corners.  The notches were also made with the router.  

Overall, the project was fun and Paul loves having a big log house!  I enjoy having a separate place for the Lincoln Logs besides a plastic bag or mixed with all the other toys in the toy box. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I love it! So creative. We keep ours in a large reusable shopping bag. Hmmm you now have me brainstorming for more unique storage ideas :-).


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