Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mushroom Log Update

Last fall Jon decided to inoculate some oak logs with mushroom spores.  When we moved across the country in March, the logs went with us.  The movers were a bit skeptical about moving these logs and the driver of the truck said these logs had to be the oddest thing he has ever moved.  The logs were not covered with protective blankets during the move and were instead, tucked into the smallest cranies the movers could find in the truck.  When they arrived in West Virginia they were then placed in storage along with everything else because of the closing delay.  When they finally arrived at the new house, we placed them along the tree-line in the back woods.  After all the moving and handling, and removal of the wax by the birds, I figured the logs would probably not sprout mushrooms and eventually get absorbed by the forest floor.  They were pretty much forgotten this summer and were never watered or placed vertically into the ground according to the instructions.  To our surprise, Jon discovered some mushrooms sprouting out of the logs this week!  Take a look!

3 Days later, the mushrooms grew this much!

Our first meal with the mushrooms!

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