Monday, September 10, 2012

Vacation Time!

It is good to be back home after the 3 week vacation in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  We were sent home for a family wedding and decided to prolong the visit to include camping, fishing, and time with friends and family.  It was a whirlwind of a vacation with a lot of activity, but it is good to be back checking up on things and working on projects.  I decided to veer away from the normal blog posts to include some pictures of the trip since many of my blog followers have already asked me to post a few pictures from the vacation! Enjoy!

Having some good old fashioned fun with tubing behind a boat!

Paul is determined to catch the biggest fish on the trip

but Mamma beat him to it.  My favorite kind of lure is the frog.  I bounce it off lily pads and rocks which always results in a huge splash from a large fish such as this Northern.  We released this fish back into the lake.

To get to Perent Lake you have to paddle this very long and windy creek for several hours.  Perent Lake is located in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Northern Minnesota.  If you enjoy canoeing, this is the place to go...1.3 million acres of protected wilderness.  On our trips we have seen: moose, bear, bald eagles, loons, beavers, and more.  It is a serene place where you can go days without seeing or hearing another human being.  Depending on the lake you are on, motors and airplanes are non-existent.    

Notice the big smile?  Jon is still smiling after portaging this old aluminum canoe over a very rocky portage.

Having fun at the wedding!

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to go canoe and fish the boundary waters!


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