Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mushroom Foraging and Plugging

Recently on a nature walk on the property, Jon and Paul discovered some mushrooms.

Jon identified these as oyster mushrooms.  He has eaten several of them without any ill effects!

The deer have discovered this cluster of mushrooms and have eaten them, unless some other wild creature also eats mushrooms?

Are these turkey tail mushrooms?  They are really pretty to look at. 

If you set mushrooms upside down on an old window overnight they will leave behind their spores.
(the white hazy stuff)

Jon was so inspired by all of the wild mushrooms and harvesting from the logs we currently have, that he impulsively bought 500 Shitake plugs from  We used oak logs that fell during the Hurricane Sandy Snowstorm.  From the picture, you can see we ran out of wax and didn't cover the log ends.  
Previous posts about growing our own mushrooms: 


  1. This is so cool! I love the photos and hearing about your foraging adventures! Now when I take a walk, I'll be on the lookout for these beautiful treasures. It's also fun knowing how to grow mushrooms at home. Thank you for the resources and inspiration!


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