Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back to Basics Winter Reading

We're getting cabin fever here and running out of projects to keep us busy.  Thankfully we are still easily entertained with books, and during a brief stop at the local library, Jon found Back to Basics (copyright 1981) among the gardening books.  Him and I enjoy perusing the pages about pioneering basics that were common knowledge back in the day.  This book was written by the Reader's Digest and contains detailed information accompanied with pictures.  In this book you can learn how to build a home, dig a well, make your own electricity, grow your own food, make cheese, and much much more.  These type of books bring out the pioneering spirit in me because I enjoy learning about the old-fashioned way of doing things; and perhaps I will adopt some of these ideas down the road.

My mother recently sent me The Foxfire Book (copyright 1972) which is part of a series that is also about simple living.  This particular book contains information about building a log cabin, crafts, moonshining, preserving food, churning butter, and more.

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