Sunday, June 30, 2013

Homemade Seed Packets

Jon and I began seed saving last year and want to share with you how we make our own packets for storage.  Some gardeners I have talked to save their own seeds and others think it's not worth the time because seeds are relatively cheap; after all, some crops such as carrots, beets, and leeks take 2 growing seasons to produce seeds.  One perk to letting some plants go to seed is that more color and beauty is added to the garden attracting beneficial insects and pollinators such as honeybees.  One plant going to seed in our garden right now is leeks.  They are absolutely beautiful!  They produce colorful globes that are about 5 feet tall and sway in the wind (picture below) - they look just like globe allium except you get the benefit of them being edible.  Saving seeds also gives a gardener food security and lets the gardener pick and choose seeds from the most prolific plants or from plants that have enhanced genetics that make them resistant to certain bugs, or fruit earlier, or have sweeter fruits, or blossom later to avoid spring frosts.  It's all in the seed.  Saving them from your garden will ensure you have the best genetics targeted for your exact garden and climate.

What do think about saving seeds?  What is your main reason for saving seeds or not to save them?
Please leave a comment below.

The honeybees really enjoy the leeks!

For storing seeds, I make our own packets by reusing manila envelopes.  

To simplify the process I cut out four packets using the already sealed seems on the existing envelope.

I add a little glue to seal the remaining sides...

and write the company name, seed name, and year collected on the packet. 

Seed packets are stored in this box in our basement.

I had to add these last two pictures of the mushroom hunt today in our woods.  There are mushrooms everywhere and most we haven't been able to identify.  The ones we did keep and feel confident eating are the chanterelles shown below.  


  1. We keep our saved seeds in the refrigerator until planting time, and they seem to last 3-5 years. Sometimes I harvest by cutting off the seed pods, letting them dry, then storing them in envelopes. Other times when I have less time for the garden, I pull the bolting/seeding vegetables and drop them where I'd like them to reseed themselves. Now it is a delight to have an abundance of kale and cabbage sprouting all over the garden. Our alliums seed more than we'd like, so after the bees are done with the flowers, we chop the tops and throw them into our weed pile. We appreciate you sharing these wonderful ideas!

  2. Total aside, I love the wooden crate/storage box. Is this something you made or found? I'm looking for something like this to organize sample packets for my home business. Thanks!


  3. Hi Danielle,

    We love the storage box too and made it ourselves. Thanks for stopping by my blog!



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