Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nylon Rope Never Breaks

Sunny days have been pretty irregular this month so laundry is done in spurts when the clothesline can be used. There is something satisfying about drying laundry outside and I just love the feel of clean, air-dried sheets on the bed.  Many people complain about the "crunchy" feel of towels dried on the clothesline but we are definitely not going to use fabric softener.  For one thing, we don't need added synthetic perfumes in fabric rubbing against our skin; and second, it's kinda creepy knowing that fabric softener contains a lot of ingredients that make fabric cling-free and wrinkle-free.  I don't want all that stuff embedded in my clothing and towels.

Yesterday I was hanging up the few remaining items in the basket when all of a sudden SNAP!  The freshly washed laundry was now lying on the just mowed grass.  The nylon rope that has held the clothesline up for 18 months has finally broke and according to my father in law, "Nylon rope never breaks!"  Well, it does after 18 months in the sun and rain. How did we remedy the problem?  We grabbed a thicker rope from the barn that the previous owner left behind.

(Hopefully there isn't chicken manure under all of that washed laundry!)

Back in business!

The old man on the tree is speechless about the whole endeavor but I think he likes the whole bandanna look from the rope (hint: the mouth is missing...)


  1. Haha, love the old man! And what a beautiful picture. All those clothes blowing in the breeze. Love it.

  2. When we use our clothesline we sometimes even get the scent of campfire smoke if the clothes are still hanging when the campfire get's going. :)

    Love the old man tree!

  3. Funny thing you did with the tree. Looks like "Rambo" about unleash hell. LOL. :)


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