Saturday, March 14, 2015

Starting Seeds Indoors

Since January, my seed-obsessed husband and son have spent hours, more like days, pouring over seed catalogs picking out new varieties to grow this summer.  When the seeds arrive in the mail, they literally drop everything they are doing and meticulously read the entire seed packet.  They practically salivate imagining all of the delicious food they will enjoy in the upcoming months.  

After arriving in the mail, the seeds are placed in the somewhat organized seed box that is literally bursting with seeds this time of year.  Even though we have plenty of seeds left over from previous years, Jon couldn't resist trying new unique varieties like the Pepino Melon, Cosmic Purple Carrots, Purple Cauliflower and Amarilla (yellow) tomatillos.


Using Jon's handy seed starting program, seeds are planted in our recycled wooden seed trays made with re-purposed pallets.   This season Jon's soil mixture includes: 1 part potting soil, 1 part Beat's Peat Coconut Coir, 1 part Vermiculite, and 1/4 part Perlite.

We really like our homemade plant labels using recycled yogurt containers.

Every year there is a shortage of onions in our home.  With all the canning and cooking, we always run out around the first of the year.  This year we are growing 5 different varieties (Walla Walla, Martina, Bronze D'Amposta, Red of Florence and Australian Brown) for about 500 onions total.  Plus about 100 Zebrune shallots.

This is our Glow Panel 45 watt LED light we purchased seven years ago when we had a backyard suburban lot for growing food.  Now that we have a garden approximately 50 x 100 feet, we likely need about 10 of these.  Maybe next year we will have a better setup.

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