Sunday, April 5, 2015

Teaching Others About Gardening and Preserving Food

This week I helped my friend, Pam, teach a class on growing and preserving food at a local MOPS group.  This is the same place I taught homemade cleaning projects and soap making in 2014.  The group had a lot of great questions for us and there seemed to be a few interested in starting a small backyard garden and preserving food.

Years ago the very thought of speaking in front of a group sent me into panic mode; but now I willingly accept the invitation.  Why the sudden change?  I have learned that when I am passionate about something, the fear of public speaking goes away.  Teaching is probably my calling in life, but not in the traditional sense like a teacher in a classroom.  I get excited showing others the things my family does and the lessons we have learned.  To see someone else become interested in what we are doing is very satisfying.   

In one hour we covered a lot of topics including:

*Benefits of raising your own food
*Getting started
*Types of gardening (i.e. container vs. raised bed vs. tilled area)
*Where to purchase large amounts of produce (i.e. farmer's market, stores locally, neighbors, etc.)
*Benefits of joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)

Pam gave everyone a packet of seeds to take home and we had a lot of stuff for them to look at.  We barely had enough time to cover all the topics and answer questions, but a handout was given to them before leaving.    


  1. What a great idea! I would love to do something like this. I just need some time to gather my thoughts. Lots of time. :)

    I have a question about your apple press that I see in some of your past photos. Could you tell me what brand it is? And is that a shredder attached to the top? Are you happy with it? We have wanted to buy one for years now but don't know where to start.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. Hi Lisa!

    We have a Happy Valley Ranch Cider Press and we absolutely love it! It's not only functional, but it is a great decoration in our home. Many people ask about it which serves as a great talking point. The hopper in the top grinds the apples into small pieces and drops them into the bucket below where the pieces are pressed for juice. A cider press is a bit pricey upfront but the cost is totally worth it!



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