Sunday, June 7, 2015

How To Keep Produce Fresh Longer

Years ago when we started growing our own vegetables, I remember harvesting a bunch of spinach and putting the excess in the refrigerator crisper for the next day.  Much to my disappointment, the spinach turned into a limp pile of rubbery leaves the next day.  From this experience I learned that farms treat spinach and lettuce with chemicals so they stay crisp and fresh for several weeks at the grocery store.  I quickly figured out how to keep our produce just as fresh for weeks at a time without the use of chemicals by storing the produce in a damp cloth bag.  Simple!  Basically I place washed produce into the damp cloth bag and place the bag in the refrigerator crisper.  When the bag becomes dry, I run it under cold water again and wring out the excess water.  I use this damp bag method for all of our vegetables including: celery, spinach, lettuce, kale, asparagus and pea pods.  I have used this method for years and have kept celery crisp for 2 months easily!  This cloth bag has saved us a lot of money over the years.


  1. How often do you need to wash the bag? Would a cotton pillow case work or does it have to be a looser weave than that?

    By the way, I watched your how to video to learn how to make twined rugs. I even made my own frame loom (modelled after yours)! Great job! Thank you!

  2. Hi Melissa!

    The bag is washed about once each week. I have never used a pillowcase but I don't see why it wouldn't work since it is lightweight cotton fabric and breathable.

    I am happy to hear you are weaving!



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