Monday, January 4, 2016

Owl Water Bottle Cover

For Christmas this year, Jon gifted Paul and me each a Mabis Water Bottle to cozy-up with at night when crawling into cold sheets.  And of course, these water bottles are good for other things such as: sore muscles, sports injuries, and headaches just to name a few.  Instead of the rubber latex against our skin, I made a cozy for the water bottle using fabric scraps.  The brown fabric is a fleece jacket sleeve and stays closed with velcro in the back for easy removal.  A primitive stitch attaches the wool designs to the brown fleece fabric.  The owl wings are corduroy fabric.  This was an easy and fun winter project.  I am still trying to decide what cozy I should make for the second water bottle. 


  1. What a fun project! I love your photographs of the steps to make this own water bottle cover. Now I feel like I can make one too.

  2. What a fun project! I love your photographs detailing the steps to make this owl water bottle cover. Now I feel like I can make one too.


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