Saturday, June 27, 2020

A lot of Changes...

Since my last post, our family moved from West Virginia to Minnesota; I started a pottery studio focused on lacto-fermentation crocks and fermentation weights. Here is my new website and on Etsy: We put in a new large garden. As you might have expected, this has sapped all the time I used to have to keep my blog up to date. Minnesota provides new challenges like a Zone 3b/4a growing zone, but surprisingly our garden harvests are bigger than we've ever had before because the bug pressure up here is not very strong. I'm sharing a few of the pictures we've taken over the last couple of years. Presently we are in a moderate drought which is providing a new challenge to short-season gardening. I'll let you know how it turned out.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Minnesota! I check your blog every once in a while. I was pleasantly surprised to see a new post. And it's neat to hear you are now in MN. You are the reason I started making twined rugs. I followed your video to make my first frame loom too. Thank you! I will definitely be ordering from your Etsy shop as we are avid fermenters.


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