A good friend of mine (who also sells homemade soap), is a budding seamstress and eager to begin some sewing projects. In particular, she wants to make lunch bags. I volunteered to help her even though I'm not an expert at the sewing machine; although I think I acquired through osmosis, some skills from my mother who is a professional seamstress.
I was inspired to use burlap when my friend and I stopped by a local boutique store and saw lunch bags made with burlap. For the inside liner I used leftover fabric from a curtain project. The burlap was taken from a coffee bean bag that a picked up from a local coffee store. The button came from my button jar that I salvaged from some random worn-out shirt long ago; and for the latch I used an elastic band that broke from a pair of shorts I have owned since middle school. This project cost $0.00. I really enjoyed making this project because I acquired more skills at the sewing machine. It is also a practical item I can use for work or wherever. I recommend hand washing it.
Back/Flap: 6.5 by 14 inches
Front: 6.5 by 8.5 inches
Sides: 5.5 by 8.5 inches
Bottom: 6.5 by 5.5 inches
To make this entry complete, I want to add a few points about making a waste-free lunch.
- Use durable containers such as Tupperware or Pyrex
- Ziploc bags are hard to clean, items are easily smashed and broken, and bags eventually get tossed because of holes and tears.
- Purchase food items in bulk when possible
- For example, purchase a large container of yogurt and divide it into small Tupperware containers rather than purchasing the single-serving containers. You will also save $$.
- Use durable silverware
- Plastic silverware break easily and it's probably not safe to eat with plastic, especially with warm items such as soup.
- Bring your own cloth napkin and wash it with your towels---save a tree!
- Use a reusable water bottle or coffee mug
- Ditch those one-time use water bottles and get a quality, stainless steel, BPA-free water bottle.