Sunday, February 5, 2012

Uses for Dryer Lint

Dryer lint is one of those things that I started saving.  Yes, I know it's weird, but I actually started a bag specifically for lint.  I read recently that I should store lint in a tin can or glass container, but right now it's in an old plastic bag in the laundry room cupboard.  Because lint is easily combustible, it is recommended that you clean out your dryer vent on a yearly basis.  Cleaning out excess lint also increases the efficiency of your dryer, leading to shorter dryer periods and less energy consumption.  To clean the dryer vent, I pull the dryer several feet away from the wall, disconnect the vent hose from the dryer, stretch the hose, and blow the hose out with an air compressor (or leaf blower).  I also blow out the dryer vent from the inside of the dryer.
I started collecting lint in October (because of course I use a clothes line in the summer), and in 3 months I collected this much.

There are many uses for dryer lint.  One of my friends makes her own paper with lint which is super impressive!!  Click on the pictures below to see her cards.

I did a quick Google search for other dryer lint uses and here's what I found
  • Fire starter
  • Paper
  • Packing material
  • Spin it into thread and knit or crochet with it
  • Spread it in the yard for the birds (Depends on the detergents you use)
  • Make clay with it
  • Put it in your compost pile
  • Craft projects
  • Plant mulch
And for a little humor... (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. I actually laughed out loud when I read the comic strip!

    I save our dryer lint and use it for fire starters on camp outs, canoe floats, etc. It's light weight and abundant.

    It will ignite very easy with just a few sparks from a flint and steel.

    I have not used it to make our own paper, yet, but will look into it!



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