Sunday, February 17, 2013

Honeybees Bringing in Pollen!

It's crazy to see pollen being brought into the hive when it's mid-February!  After reading about a beekeeper (Show Me the Honey blog) in St. Louis finding pollen being brought into his hives, I decided to check mine.  Sure enough, they are bringing in pollen that is bright yellow!  I did a quick search online to find out what flowers are blooming currently and one early spring flower is coltsfoot.  I haven't seen this flower but they are known to grow along roadsides and in wet areas.  We have a creek running through our property along the road so perhaps there is coltsfoot growing there?

The hive has remained closed since the fall when I last checked them so I can only hope the queen is alive and laying eggs.  We have had cold spells interspersed with warm days in the 60's this winter.  The warm days have been a blessing for our hive because they had a small amount of stores for the winter.  Click on the pictures below to enlarge them.  I placed a rock against the entrance reducer because the strong winds knock it off.
Pictures were taken 2-11-13


1 comment:

  1. I always like looking at the different color pollen that comes into the hive.

    There's a shade of what I like to refer to as "fire orange" that I've seen my bees bring in near the end of the summer that is just beautiful!


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