Monday, February 11, 2013

Maple Syrup Summary 2013

This past weekend was the end of maple syrup season for us.  It was a short 4 weeks but we canned 15 pints and filled 3 flasks with this delicious syrup.  We learned a lot from the experience and plan to tap again next year but we want to get a larger evaporator pan.  The cast iron kettle we used worked really well but we'd like to increase the surface area so we have shorter boiling times.  The picture above shows how the syrup color changes throughout the season.  Starting with the first week of tapping, the syrup is a very light amber color compared to the jar on the right that is very dark from the last boil.  

This is Jon's 3rd design for the boiling operation.

Other links on the blog about tapping maple syrup:  first time tapping   preparing


  1. We use two pans, one is always boiling, with a smaller one that we heat adding it...our pans are lg roasting pans from a restaurant ..they are easier to fit the block atound

  2. I like your idea of having two pans. Thanks for sharing!


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