Every summer we grow something new in the garden. This year we planted Red-Seeded Asparagus Beans purchased from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. These tasty beans grow really long and are delicious stir-fried. At one point we couldn't keep up with the supply so we froze them for winter eating. I blanched them for 1 minute in boiling water followed by a ice bath for 1 minute.

Using a cattle panel for the trellis worked really well and we all enjoyed walking under the jungle of hanging beans. The beans also made great "dreads" for the garlic pirate!
The pods can grow to 24 inches if you don't pick them fast enough. They are best eaten when 12-14 inches long. Picture taken 7-12-2015.
This picture was taken October 3rd and we are still receiving beans! The beans that are brown and shriveled up will be saved for seed to be used next summer.
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